User-agent: * #Made robots # Global blocks Disallow: /*/eoss Disallow: /*/recentlyviewed Disallow: /api/ Disallow: /shopping Disallow: /shoppingbag$ Disallow: /*/secure/account/MyAccount/AccountSummary/ForgetMe$ Disallow: *Scripts/CountryRedirect.js* Disallow: *Scripts/ModernisedHeader/CountryRedirect.js* Disallow: */CountryRedirect* Disallow: /opt-out* Disallow: /directoryoptout* Disallow: /unsubscribe* Disallow: /footer$ Disallow: /header$ Disallow: */noindex # Block UK and International internal search and /clearance Disallow: *search$ Disallow: *search?w=* Disallow: *search?text=* Disallow: /*/sale/search* Disallow: /*/clearance Disallow: /clearance # Disallow legacy structure Disallow: /shop/department* Disallow: /shop/gender* Disallow: /shop/home/* Disallow: /shop/women* Disallow: /shop/men* Disallow: /shop/boys* Disallow: /shop/girls* Disallow: /laura-ashley Disallow: /laura-ashley* # TP wide filter blocks Disallow: *issale-* Disallow: *isort-* Disallow: *minprice* Disallow: *maxprice* Disallow: *minprice*maxprice* Disallow: *-mxsp-* Disallow: *p=* # Block size-one filters Disallow: /*/f/*size-one* # Block category filters Disallow: */f/*category-* # Block designer filter Disallow: /*/f/*designer-madecom* # Block duplicate filter Disallow: /*/f/*finish-*-metal-* # Block two or more filters of the same selection Disallow: */f/*~* # Block two or more filters of any selection Disallow: */f/*-*-*-*-* # Block colour filter for sofas Disallow: /shop/sofas/f/*-colour-* Allow: /shop/sofas/f/*fabriccolour-* # Block sofa filter for sofas Disallow: /shop/sofas/f/*sofatype-sofa #Block shop, brands and promotions filters Disallow: /shop/f/* Disallow: /brands* Disallow: /promotions* Disallow: /*/shop/f/ Disallow: /*/brands/f/ Disallow: /*/promotions/f/ #Block feature filters Disallow: *feat-newin* Disallow: *feat-backinstock* Disallow: *feat-deliveryby-* Disallow: *feat-available* # Browse and shop blocks # Block structure for UK and International Disallow: /shop/- Disallow: /shop/- #TD Disallow: /shop/*lowsaleprice* Disallow: */sportswear/* Disallow: *designfeature-* # Brand blocks # Block structure for UK and International Disallow: /brands/- Disallow: /*/brands/- # Promotion blocks # Block structure for UK and International Disallow: /promotions/- Disallow: /*/promotions/- #Block room filters Disallow: /shop/bedroom/f/* Disallow: /shop/dining-room/f/* Disallow: /shop/living-room/f/* Disallow: /shop/garden/f/* Disallow: /shop/furniture/f/* Disallow: /shop/hallway/f/ # Trade blocks Disallow: *0-edit* Disallow: *0-email* Disallow: *0-campaign* Disallow: *0-homepage* Disallow: *0-editpage* Disallow: *0-blsr* Disallow: *0-push* Disallow: *0-osalink* Disallow: *0-mission* Disallow: *0-tiktok* Disallow: *0-osa* Disallow: *0-made* Disallow: *0-brandpage* Disallow: *0-premiumbrands* Disallow: *0-brandsemail* Disallow: *editorial-label* Disallow: *0-pr* #Tracking Disallow: *gclid=* #Add to bag blocks Disallow: /addtobag #fix the double slash in the embedded filters Disallow: *//f/ #Other Disallow: */1000$ Disallow: /shop/productaffiliation-$ Disallow: /shop/gender-$ Disallow: /shop/brand-$ Disallow: /shop/promotion-$ Disallow: /shop/activity-$ Sitemap: User-Agent: Halebot Disallow: /*